✨ Help support the plantation of bamboo seedlings in china which feeds both captive & wild pandas! ✨
Vulnerable ⚠️
About 1,860
Bamboo Forests
Habitat loss, wildlife traps and fragmentation

Bamboo makes up almost 99% of a Giant Pandas food source. So availability of bamboo has always been a basis of concern for the pandas.
There are 42 species of bamboo which Giant Pandas eat. Each species has a life cycle and will flower and die off every 20 to 40 years depending on the species. Giant Pandas need to have other species available to eat or be able to migrate to a different area when the bamboo dies off. After the bamboo flowers, it can take 4-10 years before the bamboo begins to grown again.
During this die off, in an ideal situation, the pandas just move to a new area of their habitat to find food. However human damage to their habitat may prevent this migration necessary to find fresh bamboo. Roads, Villages, Electrical lines and human activity can block the pandas from finding the necessary bamboo.
“Corridors” to allow the pandas to move from one bamboo forest to another have been discussed for many years, but progress has been slow.
To make the matter worse, the earthquake of 2008 destroyed not only many lives, homes, power plants, roads and schools, but also parts of the Wolong Panda Center, and approximately 25% of the bamboo in the Giant Pandas habitat.
Mud and rock slides resulting from torrential spring rains and a lack of vegetation following the earthquake caused more damage to the bamboo in 2009 and 2010. Then in 2011, an extremely heavy snow further damaged the bamboo.
So replanting of bamboo for both the wild and captive panda populations became a priority. Without bamboo, giant pandas will not survive. Reports of pandas starving to death have occurred. The survival of captive and wild giant pandas is dependent on a plentiful and stable food supply.
In order to more accurately replicate the giant pandas’ natural habitat, multiple species of bamboo need to
An adult panda needs approximately 20-88 pounds of bamboo per day depending on what part of the bamboo they are eating. If they are eating bamboo stems they will eat about 37 pounds, bamboo leaves usually amounts to about 22 pounds, and their favourite is bamboo shoots in which they will eat up to about 88 pounds.
Love giant pandas? Us too. But they're in real danger of being lost forever and are currently have a VULNERABLE status as they remain on the IUCN 'Red List'.
Funds are urgently required to save some of the most beautiful creatures on earth.
Do something amazing today and purchase the GIANT PANDA pin badge where the funds raised will support the plantation of bamboo seedlings in china which feeds both captive & wild pandas!
Thank you!
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